Gymzaal Rodaristraat Rotterdam

  • Client: Municipality Rotterdam Team Zon and Sportbedrijf Rotterdam
  • Year: 2024
  • Installed Capacity: 3600 Wp
  • Energy yield: 3,000 kWh per year
Rotterdam heeft het voornemen koploper te worden Rotterdam aims to lead the way in solar energy adoption, overcoming the challenge of limited space in a densely populated city. The municipality is committed to sustainability and environmental quality, striving for multi-functional use of urban spaces. As the most vertical city in the Netherlands, Rotterdam is leveraging not just rooftops but also façades to generate solar energy, ensuring optimal utilization of its buildings.

The Municipality of Rotterdam launched this innovative project to explore sustainable energy generation. ZigZagSolar was identified as a key contributor to this vision, providing solar panels for building façades. These panels are designed to produce energy when it’s most needed—during mornings, evenings, and the winter season when demand is highest.

Since Sportbedrijf Rotterdam and the Municipality of Rotterdam aimed to create a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing façade for the south side of the School Sports Complex Rodaristraat in Prinsenland, we installed 30 integrated glass/glass ZigZagSolar solar panels featuring an image. The ZigZagSolar system features solar panels that face the sun (the ZIG) and composite elements displaying a map of the gymnasium’s surroundings visible from the street (the ZAG).

This installation results in an energy-producing solar façade that generates more than 3,000 kWh of sustainable electricity annually. The energy saved and generated helps to avoid the emission of approximately 1,100 tons of CO2 each year, which is equivalent to the carbon sequestration of 80 trees per year.

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