Eisenhower - Sittard

  • Client: Housing corporation ZOwonen
  • October 2017
  • 308 cassettes at 120 Wp
  • Energy yield: 30,000 kWh per year
In October 2017, the ZigZagSolar façade on Eisenhowerstraat in Sittard was completed. This project, commissioned by housing corporation ZOwonen, transformed the south façade of the Eisenhowerflat, seamlessly integrating it into its surroundings. Faced with the choice of demolition or renovation, ZOwonen opted for the latter, enhancing the building's aesthetics and functionality. The ZigZagSolar façade generates 30,000 kWh of solar energy annually, enough to power approximately 11 households. This electricity production allows ZOwonen to offer reduced housing costs to its tenants, providing significant financial benefits. Importantly, the installation process was carried out with minimal disruption, ensuring residents' privacy and allowing them to stay in their homes throughout the project.

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