Housing corporations

Are you looking for:

  • Affordable solar energy solutions to generate renewable energy for housing corporations?
  • Opportunities to provide a comfortable and safe space that meets climate goals?
  • Energy Savings for multi-family housing
  • A solution that fits in your housing corporation’s budget?
  • Complete relief and guidance during implementation and use?

We have the perfect solution to support your challenge.

The new generation of solar facades is affordable, simple, fits into the environment, and delivers excellent profitability. Installation can take place without affecting the privacy of the residents. Our successful projects with housing corporations like ZOwonen and Wonen Limburg demonstrate the impact of ZigZagSolar facades. These projects have been highly appreciated by both the housing corporations and the residents for their beautiful and functional design, as well as their ability to provide reliable and sustainable energy. We were able to give old apartment buildings a beautiful and energetic transformation.   

The solar panels are oriented towards the sun for maximum efficiency. The decorative panels reflect sunlight to the solar panels, converting additional energy into electricity. During each month of the heating season, a solar panel in ZigZagSolar can provide a higher yield than a solar panel on a flat roof depending on the location. In December, even double the amount! Ideal for combining with a heat pump or for electric driving.


Get started with ZigZagSolar

Join the movement towards sustainable housing and make a positive impact on your community.
Contact us today to learn more about our solar facades and how they can benefit your housing
corporation. With ZigZagSolar, you can achieve energy efficiency, cost savings, and environmental
sustainability all in one innovative solution.

Download our whitepaper

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