
As an architect you want:

  • Sustainable and energy efficient solution
  • Suitable for new and existing buildings
  • Customizable
  • Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal
  • Cost-effective and durable

Architects are often need to make the building energy efficient to get Green Building certifications. Several countries also have implemented regulations and policies that mandate or strongly encourage the incorporation of renewable energy sources such as:

  • European Union: Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
  • Netherlands: Bijna Energieneutrale Gebouwen (BENG) Guidelines
  • Germany: Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) & Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV)
  • France: Energy Transition for Green Growth Act & RT 2012 and RT 2020
  • United Arab Emirates: Dubai Green Building Regulations and Specifications
  • Saudi Arabia: Saudi Energy Efficiency Program (SEEP)
  • India: Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) & National Solar Mission
  • Singapore: Green Mark Certification Scheme & Building Control (Environmental Sustainability) Regulations

ZigZagSolar façades can help you get green credits and generate renewable energy as per the building needs. They can be integrated into both new construction and retrofit projects. The decorative panel visible from the ground can be made to in multiple colours, textures and styles to suit the building aesthetics.

We can customize module height, length, panel angles, and aesthetics, giving maximum design freedom for architects to meet the unique requirements of each project. We also provide inactive panels for edges and corners of the façade for seamless integration with the existing building features. 

Our in-house architects and experts can provide design support, drawings and energy estimate at different stages of the design development.  It can help in convincing the clients to install the solar façades.

Empower your architectural designs with our innovative solar façade solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you integrate renewable energy into your buildings seamlessly and stylishly. Together, we can shape a sustainable future with energy-efficient architecture.


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